Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Life, death, laughter, tears, hope, fear...computers?

The past week has been a real rollercoaster ride of emotion and experience. The most frustrating part, by far, has been the computer training that the summer interns are undergoing. There will be more tomorrow; I can hardly wait:( Tomorrow I will also be on call-- so my workday will stretch from 8:00 Wednesday to 8:00 Thursday. I am praying for the strength and energy to be an effective pastoral presence (if I am called in.)

I may have said it before, but here it is again... There are so many family dynamics at work in any situation I may walk into. There is no way to "prepare" but rooms must be walked into with the faith that you are prepared.

The funny thing is that the simple presence of a "chaplain" changes the feel of a room, hallway, or nurse's station. "Chaplain" seems to be a magic word. I find it amazing how many times I have heard the following: "Thank God, the chaplain is here." "We need to call the chaplain." "The chaplain is here for the family..."

I just got a page...I am not on call but my thoughts are with my fellow intern as he answers this call. A prayer for chaplains on call...

Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord God almighty
be with your servant
and lend your spirit
to touch the hearts of those in trouble.
For being in your presence
heals all.
Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord God almighty
Father, Son and Spirit
Please, please, please...
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

1 comment:

Karen Wagner said...

Thanks for your prayers David and know that you are in mine. You have a non-anxious presence naturally, it is one of your many gifts for ministry. Peace.