Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Chugga chugga choo chooooo!

I think I can, I think I can...

In my first two weeks as a youth and children's director I have...
sent out 60 emails
received 180 emails
attended 4 committee meetings
received first aid and CPR training
organized and attended two picnics
supervised the making and selling of 200 breakfast tacos
consumed 3 large, cold breakfast tacos
been given the "name test" (where a youth gives you a serious look and asks "Do you know my name?")
passed the "name test"
battled the printer, learned how to use a new printer
recruited Sunday School teachers
recruited Youth Advisors (aka Seminary Students)
prayed for youth undergoing surgery
coordinated a presbytery wide youth event with other Youth Directors
hung pictures, bulletin boards, etc.
moved furniture
mourned the loss of my laptop (motherboard failure)
signed up youth for a retreat, mailed in regestration
read Sunday School curriculums
organized a "first communion" class
scheduled childcare workers
learned some new games
been given a nickname by the youth (Big D)

I like what I am doing but look forward to more personal contact and less administrative work. Have I mentioned that I am supposed to be working part-time? Ha ha ha...


Karen Wagner said...

part time is never part time. :)

Rachel said...

riiiiiiight. Welcome to my world. Wait until you hand a kid back to their parents minus their front two (permanent) teeth, or send a kid to the hospital for stitches, or get puked on, or see a kid have a total change of heart. It's pretty terrific I must admit!x