Thursday, July 27, 2006

A binary branching fractal

Every step is both binary and triune at the same time. I imagine a God who also keeps track of all of our possibilities. The result would therefore be alternate realities... because a God imagined alternate journey would be as long as it exists in the mind of God. (Sidebar: Does existance depend on an effort from God, and if so...could God "close God's eyes" and make us all dissapear and then "open" them to bring us back into existance at the same instant/circumstance that we dissapeared?)

The theory I am kicking around is that someone who dies, turns right...when the rest of us turn their world, they may still be walking with us...growing closer to into new realities and forgetting the old...which would mean there would be an infinate number of parallel universes......
"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done... on earth as it is in heaven."

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