Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A clean house starts with a clean sink...

The sink is the battlefield... if you are able to get it under control, then the rest will fall into place.....
okay, that took 20 minutes...only about 4 sidetracks. Now I have music playing and I have checked the mail. Need to add "Wonder Boys" to my profile.

Next project is the living room... I think I will start where I am and move dust or not to dust? No..still have to pull books (very dusty). Do I need to email Sara the info from Dad? May need a change of music... okay, now I am stumped... I really want to be reading The Life of Pi, (30 minute sidetrack...)

A least the sink got cleaned and the living room is staightened up.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

This is what always happens to me when I clean, I get sidetracked. I find a god book, I play with the dogs, I do everything else. Until, you ask people over for dinner. Then, I get really focused in the two hours prior to their arrival.