Friday, April 28, 2006

The New Breed

Written in 1966 by Brian Deatrick and Bob Schaefers














The answer is always yes.

God, can you help me out here? Do you know what I'm sayin'? Have you been keeping track of what has been going on? Do you want me to do something about it? Can you give me a sign? Do you laugh at us silly humans? Is this all there is to life? Are you triune? Do you want to come over for lunch? Did I see you yesterday? Am I on the right track? Do you want to bet? When the sabbath comes, should we quit counting? Can I be a citizen of the kingdom? Is there something I am missing? Are you going to tell me what it is? Would you like it if I returned to "morning prayers"? If I do that, will you stop making my days so short? Can I have some help with this sermon I am working on? Are you going to provide some quality help? Is this a trick question? Are you going to explain it to me? Will I feel retarded when you do? Is that okay? Will the message be relavent to the lives of your people? Do you know who your people are? Do your people know who your people are? Are you sure? Do you ever make a mistake? Does anyone ever notice? Does that screw up the natural order of things? Can you fix it? Do you? Does it happen very often? Does this line of questioning make you feel uncomfortable? Are you keeping score? Will you forgive me for suspending the rules? Can I do that? Will you download some cool poems into my head as I sleep tonight? Will I remember them in the morning? Have half of the prayer?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Go Team!

The Faithful Flyers (our seminary cycling team) has met their goal of raising $14,000 to help fight Aids. Jonathan, Irene, Ann, Sam, and Emily-- Our prayers will be with you as you ride this weekend.

Want to know how you can help? Click here or here.

Tell me a story

Family stories mean more than what is being expressed in the "text" of the story. Forget about whether they are factual or not... they are an expression of reality for the story teller. I am reminded of this by an email that Leigh just sent me. She remembers some of the events surrounding by brother's death a little differentlty.

Regardless of what actually happened, I remember it in a certain way. In some respect-- I can only remember the events of that day by looking through a very narrow keyhole into my past. I know that there mistakes in the record--mistakes that I will do my best, over time to correct. Not today though. Writing about that night helped me work through this week. I feel like it is time to breathe in and to move on. Writing can certainly be therapy, but I don't want mine to always be so.

Reflecting on this theologically, I wonder if the scriptures can be understood better as family stories rather than just a book accounting the events of our forbearers. If so, we must ask different questions of the text. Not: is it fact--provable--verifiable? But instead: How does that make you feel? Why is that important? Who is this a story about? What is being expressed? What insight does it give into our family dynamics?

Your family has a story, of which your life is only a part.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This is the way to learn grammar.

From Emerson's "American Scholar" (sorry for the masculine language... but I think the message transcends such biggotry) :

"Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worst. What is the right use? What is the one end which all means go to effect? They are for nothing but to inspire. I had better never see a book than to be warped by its attraction clean out of my own orbit, and made a satellite instead of a system. The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul. This every man is entitled to; this every man contains within him, although in almost all men obstructed and as yet unborn. The soul active sees absolute truth and utters truth, or creates. In this action it is progressive. The book, the college, the school of art, the institution of any kind, stop with some past utterance of genius. This is good, say they, --let us hold by this. They pin me down. They look backward and not forward. But genius looks forward: the eyes of man are set in his forhead, not in his hindhead: man hopes: genius creates. Whatever talents may be, if the man create not, the pure efflux if the Deity is not his; --cinders and smoke there may be, but not yet flame. There are creative manners, there are creative actions, and creative words; manners, actions, words, that is, indicative of no custom or authority, but springing spontaneous from the mind's own sense of good and fair....

...Undoubtedly there is a right way of reading, so it be sternly subordinated. Man Thinking must not be subdued by his instruments. Books are for the scholar's idle times. When we can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men's transcrips of their readings. But when the intervals of darkness come, as come they must,-- when the sun is hid and the stars withdraw their shining,-- we repair to the lamps which were kindled by their ray, to guide our steps to the East again, where the dawn is. We hear, that we may speak. The Arabian proverb says, "A fig tree, looking on a fig tree, becometh fruitful."


I have been thinking about "words" again lately. Sometimes I think that words are not sufficient to convey a thought. Some words carry extra baggage--especially under certain circumstances. We are always forming a new tongue. I am contemplating what it means to be an "illegal" immigrant. What does it mean to say "hail" Caesar?

The duty of the reader is to always allow the voice of the author to express exactly (if only) what the author intends. My mind wanders back to what we mean when we say "sacrifice." Below, I have posted a paper from last year. There is something in it that won't let me go-- "words crack." Crack open words... Crack open and become something new.

David Schaefers

Professor Stan Hall

CM 265 Spring 2005

May 13, 2005

The Eucharist as Sacrifice

The language of sacrifice has been used through the centuries in an attempt to express a truth at the heart of Eucharistic practice. Even today, language used in the rite brings forth images of offering, sacrifice, atonement, and giving—but surely, these words mean something markedly different to individuals in the twenty-first century than they would have to early Christians. Not only have there been changes in language, over the years, but there have also been tremendous changes in social order as well as liturgical practice. Even through ages of change, there remains a sense of sacrificial language at the core of this liturgical event. Sacrifice, however, is a term that can be misused as often as it is used correctly. In the Eucharistic rite, “sacrifice” means something different than what “sacrifice” means in pagan or Jewish ritual. The argument can be made that the Eucharist is not ”sacrifice” at all—but something so close that there has not been any better way of describing it. To understand how we view the Eucharist today, and what type of “sacrifice” is being made, we need to recall some of the ways it has been understood in the past. By identifying it as “Christian sacrifice”, we may come to terms with a range of ideas that span from the early faith to the present church, therefore engaging the metaphorical language on its own ground.

To speak of Christian sacrifice, we must first acknowledge the rich tradition of Jewish heritage found throughout Old Testament texts. The Hebrew Scriptures give in-depth instruction about sacrifice. Here, priestly instruction was collected as law. Sacrifice literally means the slaughter of an animal (an actual victim), the offering of incense or grain along with the blood and smoke that “giving” these offerings would entail. Leviticus outlines procedures for a number of ritual sacrifices—burnt offerings, offerings of well being, cereal offerings, sin offerings, guilt offerings. These “sacrifices” and sacrifices throughout the history of the world have been performed in times of celebration and thanksgiving as well as in times of hardship and ruin. In this type, the individual making the sacrifice brings a perfect and healthy animal to the priest from the herd or flock. The animal is killed, blood is sprinkled on and around the altar and then selected portions of the animal are burned. Smoke and odor go “up” to where God is. When an animal was sacrificed, the life of the animal—and more importantly, the life of the worshiper who brought the sacrifice—were ritually “given” to God. [1]

In these Jewish sacrificial ceremonies, the killing of the animal was not understood to affect the specific situation in some sort of cosmic parallel. The offering was ingrained into the daily life, so much that it was much more an acknowledgement of one’s place than it would have been a direct petition for change through divine intervention. Here, sacrifice “points to the fear of the holy” and at the same time “coexists with the desire to commune with it.”[2] In this type of sacrifice, there is a sense of the close relationship between what is impure and what is holy, between death and life, and between weakness and power.

Likewise, in the Hellenistic world, sacrifice played a major role in the social structures and in the politics of the day. Those who did not sacrifice to the gods were accused of atheism. To be a good citizen meant that one would participate in the sacrifices of the community—to take some responsibility in the organization of the social structure as well as to carry on the economics of the temple and the state. Engaging in a “sacrifice” meant offering in a ritualistic way, parts of one’s possessions. Hellenistic sacrifice looked like the Jewish practice in this regard. Clearly identifiable characteristics—material, agent and recipients for these sacrifices—were as easy to label as in other pagan rituals. There was killing, burning, offering and blood—only these were given to an assortment of gods, rather than to the One God of the Hebrews. Regardless of the differences, both Jewish and Hellenistic sacrifices appear to be very similar. Christian Sacrifice—the Eucharist, is a different story (although many of the elements appear to be somewhat familiar.)

The early Christian community was not exempt from the overarching social structures of its time. For one, the Christian communities inherited many of the deeper meanings that the Jewish communities had associated with sacrifice. There was a certain aspect of ritual, atonement, and purification that was involved in the Jewish practice that spills over into the Christian tradition. Sacrifice said something about who the worshiping people were as well as saying something about God. Sacrifice is something that can not be undone, once the blood is poured out, there is no putting it back in. In that regard, sacrifice was a serious business—not something to be taken lightly. This was understood to be a holy thing, not just a ritual or legality. Here the people were coming into contact with God. It was not something that could be reversed. Sacrifice was “both ritual action and theological metaphor.”[3] Sacrifice was a sign of confession that the community embraced with language—which literally urged both the inner ethical change as well as an offering of some mass.[4]

Furthermore, bloody sacrifices were a reality that no one in the ancient world would be unfamiliar with. These events became the ritual practices of communities, only for those who were Christian—something had changed. The metaphor of sacrifice was taken by the early church—and then cracked open on the cross. For early Christians, the syntax of “sacrifice” was still present in the community, only it looked vastly different than the killing ceremony. There was still the ritual of gathering—and of celebration, but there was no longer any need to offer up “things” to God. “Sacrifice” was taking on a new shape—the relationship between people and God had been drastically altered through the Christ event. The new practices reflected the change. All of the language about sacrifice or offering was retained, but in this new setting it was used to mean new things and to point to new priorities. Christians metaphorically fought the fire of old ideas with the new fire of Holy Spirit.

Today’s life is far removed from many of the practices and concerns of the early Christian communities. These early communities held drastically different views of sacrifice than we do today—at least in the fact that sacrifices were to them a common occurrence. When we speak of sacrifice today (at least in a secular way), we often think about “sacrificing” money or something we desire for a greater good. If we think this as Christians, we lose out on some of the implications sacrifice has on the life of faith. Christian sacrifice is something different than secular sacrifice—this is most distinguishable in the Eucharist.

Early Christian communities picked up where their Jewish forbearers had left off, and used this idea of sacrifice to explain the events of the cross. Metaphorically, we call the crucifixion a sacrifice but it is really an execution. “We use the strange word to say the new thing: God views this execution as if it were the archetypal sacrifice…it is in no way a literal sacrifice, yet it is used to depict our sacrifice of the Eucharist…it is an offering but not an offering; our sacrifice is praise, a sacrifice but not a sacrifice.”[5]

The language becomes important as this metaphor is played out. The sacrificial vocabulary is retained. In the effort to hold onto a way of expression, choices are made—in some ways this language is more effective than it is in others. “The attribution to the assembly of names drawn from sacrificial ritual sometimes occurs in central texts of the liturgy. Thus the table of the meal, which is widely and informally called an “altar,” can also be so designated in hymns and prayers of the rite itself. In some traditions, the house of the assembly is similarly termed “temple”; in others the participants in the assembly are designated as a “priesthood” and the presider in the assembly is a “priest” or a “high priest.”[6] Bear in mind that these words have now undergone a change—they resemble the old ways but there is a different focus for the assembly. “Christian worship is not a sacrifice”…”at least not in a literal sense of the word.” [7]

There is no victim, no animals are slain in the assembly, no holy violence occurs, there is no bloody knife or stone with horns. God is not given something to eat and is not rebuilt through the action of the assembly. “Christian worship is rather a communal gathering that enacts or remembers the baptismal bath, reads and interprets scriptures, and holds the meal of bread and wine.”[8] We use sacrificial language where there is no sacrifice! We look at giving as sacrifice but that is not what is being related in the Eucharist. “Our giving of worship and gifts is conjoined to the “sacrifice of Christ.”[9] We see Christ as the sacrifice offered to God—for whatever purposes it is that a sacrifice would be made: to guarantee the future, to bring satisfaction out of anger, to substitute one thing for another, or perhaps the establishment of a holy bond. [10]

What we have more than a sacrifice is the syntax of a sacrifice. Self giving acts are seen as a reflection and celebration of those gathered—of the all-sufficient gift of Christ. These acts are not seen as a contribution made in addition to the gift of Christ. Only when this “reflection” is made, can the language of sacrifice be used to speak of the gospel. It is through this language that many aspects of the Christian life are drawn together. Sacrifice has been viewed as an important way to talk about the connection between the death of Christ, Christian worship and Christian ethics.[11]

To speak of Christian sacrifice, there is a necessity to look at the language of metaphor and interpretation. To truly understand what is going on, one must be able to make the leap that the metaphor provokes. “Words, to risk a paradox, mean more than they mean. Translation is not only a matter of interpretation from one language to another. It involves, almost as much, a transfer of meaning, in the selfsame language, from speaker to hearer. To converse is to translate—to recreate meanings, moods and metaphors.”[12] Words do not possess absolute character-and it is here that we may begin to see that “sacrifice” may have many meanings. “Words acquire their virtues or their defects, from their context. Their character and their values are relative…words are the weapons, not the warriors. We are the warriors.”[13] All of this is to say that there can be appropriate use of the “sacrifice” metaphor—as well as inappropriate. Some have argued that the imagery of “Christ’s sacrifice” amounts to some sort of divine child abuse. This argument fails to use the metaphor for the purpose it was intended—Christian sacrifice must uphold that which is at the heart of the Christian message if it is to be used at all.

Christians use the long held tradition of Jewish thought that had spiritualized the meaning of the temple cult and made “sacrifice” available to describe the interior state of the one who praised God and kept the law.”[14] It may be better to say that “sacrifice” is the wrong word in these cases. “The wrongness of the words needs to be heightened, not tamed, in order for the figure of speech to work. We need to inquire what truth about God is proposed by calling our assembly action sacrifice when it is not.”[15] Sacrifice was once the central ritual act—bearing and sustaining a conception of the world, drawing the people and their gods into the heart of daily experience. In some ways we adopt pieces of those ideas in Christian Sacrifice—there is certainly some word drift to any two meanings or understandings that are so alike.

To attempt to define what sacrifice means requires a sense if its evolution. To go from the sacrificial structure of the Old Testament to the belief that an ultimate sacrifice has been made for all time meant that there would be a need for some explanation. In Justin Martyr’s writing we see just this sort of account: “That God has no need of blood-outpourings and drink-offerings and incense-burnings, and whom we praise, as much as we can, by the word of prayer and thanksgiving over all that we eat.”[16] Justin admits that Christians do not sacrifice in the former sense (grounds on which early Christians were accused of atheism) and rejects ritual killing. He talks of religious practice as being a new action—giving to the poor and needy that which had been formerly devoted to the gods. In an empire of sacrificial parades, Justin describes the procession of the gathered community in a metaphor—a new kind of parade that is not what at first it seems. He explains that “the traditions of the Christians is to offer food, not to the gods, but to the poor—and with thanksgiving, to themselves. This is our ritual sacrifice.”[17]

Metaphor is the key to the interpretation of Christian sacrificial language. It means rather that “praise and thanksgiving, or the Eucharistic memorial, are called in the interpretive way by the (alien) name of sacrifice or offering. The force of the metaphor, the revelation which it brings, is to convey that the praise and thanksgiving of Christians, rendered in memorial of Jesus Christ, far surpasses any offering of gift found in Pagan or Jewish practice.”[18]

The metaphor is meant to hold our attention to the association between the bread-word and the messianic table fellowship in the kingdom—which is realized in the life and death of Christ. “This is to say that the primary reference of the bread-word is eschatological or messianic and that Jesus here promises a share in the messianic blessings to those who eat of his body, or, in other words to those who receive the gift of himself which is communicated through the symbol of the bread… The appeal to sacrificial imagery occurs in the wine-word.”[19] Through the language that describes what is taking place with the cup—images of blood being poured out for the sins of many—those kernels of what is at stake within a sacrifice make the leap into Christian Sacrifice. “To set the two metaphors alongside one another, that of our praise and thanksgiving and that of God’s offering to us in Christ, is to evoke the reality of the Holy Spirit.”[20]

Perhaps today, one of our greatest obstacles is in the way we attempt to draw lines of recognition between concrete examples of sacrifice and what we call sacrifice in the Eucharist. Robert Daly suggests that we often go about the task completely backwards. We should not begin with the non-Christian example of what sacrifice is and then try to back it into our understanding—but rather we should begin with what the early Christians were pointing toward. In what way did they begin to use sacrificial terms to speak of the Christ event, the Christian life and the Eucharist? Daly states that answers to this question must necessarily begin with our central beliefs in a triune God and in the Eucharist.[21]

Daly describes three defining moments in the Christian Sacrifice. The first is that it begins with the self-offering of the Father in the gift of the Son (and not with any attempt on our part.) The second is that of the “totally loving response of the Son to his humanity.” And the third is that which takes place when “the rest of humanity, in the Spirit, begins to be taken up into that self-offering, self giving relationship of the Father and the Son.” He goes on to state that it is only in the third action that Christian sacrifice becomes real.[22]

Christian sacrifice is therefore not something that the faithful do; it is rather what happens to the faithful. What God was doing in Christ—was doing away with the “material, agent, recipient” way of looking at sacrifice. What is being done in the Christ event is as much an invitation into the metaphor as it is a description of what is being described. The words both veil the meaning and unveil it.

To understand the Eucharist, Daly suggests, we should look at it like a wedding ceremony.[23] He explains that the ceremony helps us to make a connection between the gathered event and the rest of our lives. Marriage does not stop at the conclusion of the wedding ceremony and likewise, “Eucharist that stops at the end of the celebration in church never becomes a real Eucharist.” What is taking place in the ceremony is the beginning place—and will only be completely realized in the fullness of time. The assembly receives what it already is—the body of Christ. It is about transformation—Christian sacrifice means that there is a change within us. We die to the “us” we might have been and accept the new body—the “us” of the Eucharist.

I began this project thinking that the questions I had about the language of sacrifice, as we encounter it in the Eucharist, would lead me to some fairly concrete examples of sacrificial language through the centuries. I expected to find a slower conversion of thought—not the jump from “Jewish” sacrifice to what has been described as Christian sacrifice. What I have found is that the “change” seems to have been much more complete in its early stages than I would have imagined. (I guess that I am guilty of falling into the trap of thinking modern society vastly superior to our early counterparts.) The use of metaphor to describe these things of the sacramental realm was, surprisingly, a constant aspect of the authors’ arguments. It quickly became clear that our modern thought processes may lack what the early Christian communities took for granted (that the metaphorical leap could be made.)

It seems that those communities that were closer to the “sacrifice of Christ” held a better understanding of Christian sacrifice than the majority of today’s populations. The metaphor still works, but it needs to be delivered cautiously and carefully in today’s world. There are many words that have developed connotations detrimental to the Christian message. “Sacrifice” is just such a difficult word—in that we modern types have a limited perspective on what it means. Woe be to the person who uses it haphazardly.

In the parish today, there is no reason not to use the language of sacrifice when describing the Eucharist—as long as the metaphor that was intended by the early church is retained. One must be aware of the pitfalls: that this is not a sacrifice in the pagan sense, and that the Eucharist is not just what happens in the midst of the assembly—but that it is carried on in the lives of those that gather. Special care must be given that the language is not saying something that goes against the Christian understanding or teachings (that it is not justifying the victimization of anyone, nor spreading fear.) With these things in mind, the Eucharist may be blessed by being described as a sacrifice—not on someone else’s terms, but on its own.

In this project I have tried to identify what Christian sacrifice “looks” like, as compared to other forms of sacrifice. I believe that the answer to this query lies in the context that event takes form. In the gathered assembly there is a sacrifice—and it looks like prayer, concern for one’s community, and the offering of one’s self (in whatever forms this may take) to others who do not appear to be included in any number of self defined groups. I have gathered a sense that those saints that went before us may have been infinitely more successful in realizing the metaphor. Perhaps we are too often caught up in being individuals brought together into a body to realize that we are a body first—and that we have our individuality which flows from that place. Likewise, some of my first questions addressed to this topic centered on the idea of sacrifice that connects us within the community—and now I realize that the question is flawed. A better question would be how to preserve the sense of Christian sacrifice in the face of secular definitions and ideals.

In conclusion, I have come to realize that project is just a starting point. I have found that the language used to describe the Eucharist—something I feel fairly knowledgeable about, takes on a life of its own when it slips into images of Christian sacrifice. There is something in the language that is perhaps too deep to dig out (into words on a page, at least.) Sacrificial language seems to have a way of meaning something different—depending on the perspective the observer approaches it from. I am sure that our concepts of offering, sacrifice, atonement, and the like are in a perpetual state of flux. By engaging the Christian sacrifice—in the Eucharist, we are drawn further into the mystery. This is a growth industry; here we may spend a lifetime knowing the answer to the riddle, only failing to be able to verbalize the question. In affect, this should be considered a success (only the success is not ours.) Christian sacrifice looks like the church, the body of Christ—in this regard it should be at the heart of our being.

Works Consulted

Applebaum, David Ed. Parabola Vol. 25, Number 2 “Riddle and Mystery” Denville, New Jersey: Society for the Study of Myth and Tradition. 2000.

Bradshaw, Paul F. Ed. Essays on Early Eastern Eucharistic Prayers Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press. 1997.

Brock, Rita; Claudia Camp; Serene Jones Eds. Setting the Table: Women in Theological Conversation St. Louis, Missouri: Chalice Press. 1995.

Crockett, William R. Eucharist: Symbol of Transformation. Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press. 1990.

Daly, Robert J. Christian Sacrifice Washington D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press 1978.

Daly, Robert J. The Origins of the Christian Doctrine of Sacrifice Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1978.

Daly, Robert J. “Sacrifice: the Way to Enter the Pascal Mystery” in America: The National Catholic Weekly Vol. 188, No. 16. 2003.

Goldberg, Isaac. The Wonder of Words New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 1957.

Lathrop, Gordon W. Holy Things Minneapolis: Fortress Press. 1993.

Pittenger, W. Norman. The Christian Sacrifice New York: Oxford University Press. 1951.

Power, David N. The Sacrifice We Offer New York: Crossroad. 1987.

Power, David N. The Eucharistic Mystery Dublin: Gill and Macmillan Ltd. 1992.

Power, David. “Words That Crack: The Uses of ‘Sacrifice’ in Eucharistic Discourse.” in Seasoltz, R. Kevin. Ed. Living Bread, Saving Cup: Readings on the Eucharist Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press. 1982.

Stevenson, Kenneth. Eucharist and Offering New York: Pueblo Publishing Company. 1986.

Ramshaw, Gail. Reviving Sacred Speech Akron, Ohio: OSL Publications. 2004.

Stookey, Laurence Hull. Eucharist: Christ’s Feast With the Church. Nashville: Abingdon Press. 1993.

Weaver, J. Denny. The Nonviolent Atonement Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 2001.

White, James F. Introduction to Christian Worship. Nashville: Abingdon Press. 2000.

[1] Weaver 58-59

[2] David Power (Living Bread, Saving Cup 172)

[3] Ramshaw 90

[4] Ramshaw 90-91

[5] Ramshaw 90-91

[6] Lathrop 139

[7] Lanthrop 140

[8] Lanthrop 140

[9] Lanthrop 140

[10] Lanthrop 140

[11] Lanthrop 141

[12] Goldberg 308

[13] Goldberg 317-318

[14] Lanthrop 141

[15] Lanthrop 143

[16] Justin (1 Apology 13)

[17] Lanthrop 147

[18] Power, David (Living Bread, Saving Cup 160)

[19] Power 161-162

[20] Power 174

[21] Daly, Robert J. “Sacrifice: the Way to Enter the Pascal Mystery

[22] Daly “Sacrifice: the Way to Enter the Pascal Mystery”

[23] Daly attributes the example to Edward Kilmartin

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

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Remembering Austin: Part 2

We waited... John showed up. We waited. At about 3:00 my uncle, Josiah, showed up. At about 3:30 in the morning, Mom and Rachel came running into the waiting room. As a family, we went to say our goodbyes.

There was a long hallway, every step difficult. We entered the room. There was a rubber-band in the middle of the floor. Next to it, a drop of blood. In the bed, a body. Machines whirling... and beeping. His chest would rise and fall.

There was a head wrapped in gauze--so tightly wrapped that there was little sign of the destruction beneath. Not really much to see there- just a head wrapped in gauze. There was a heated blanket--maintaining a constant body temperature. And then, I saw his hands. Those are my brother's hands.............hands are more unique, person to person, than I ever realized. Where is his ring? He always wore that ring. Surely the hospital has it somewhere. Definitely his hands. I recognize that finger...(I can id my brother by looking a 1 finger?)... that finger that got smashed at some point, and still carried the scar.

We said goodbye.

My Dad turned on his cell phone at about 6:00 that morning. He was at the airport 30 minutes later, and at the hospital in under two hours. (That was probably the only time in my life that I was not happy to see my dad.) I couldn't go back a second time. I had said my goodbye.

At some point, the body has to sleep, or at least try to. I think I tried a lot over the next week-- I wasn't very successful. I ended up seeing a doctor for some sleep aids. In addition, I felt like I was constantly going to vomit.

Over the next year, I saw a counselor (monthly) through the University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center. I am a firm believer in this ministry. They understood in ways that I did not have the vocabulary to express.

Now, seven years later, I still hurt. I still miss my brother. That will never change. But I am also able to recall the joy of life and the partnerships we had-- and in some respect, he still lives (actively) in me. Looking in the mirror reminds me, that we are all a family-- we are more similar than we know.

The Easter message is that life has overcome death, that sin has no power over love. Grace abounds.

Life is more than we think it is; "it is not this crude matter" (to quote Yoda.) It is about relationships, and love, and pain, and perseverance-- I remember Austin, alive.

Monday, April 24, 2006

My sister, Rachel, just got back from a mission trip to Africa. You can read about it here or here. Rachel is the one in this picture wearing a white shirt. She writes...

Hi Friends!
I just wanted you all to know that we are safe and sound in the USA. We returned on Saturday. The trip was amazing, and I hope that I have time to spend telling stories with you soon.
I'll send the link to our pictures when we post them on the web. I attached one picture of the kids at Boepelong Community School. It is the school that Charity and Faith Church (our partner church) has on the church property. Although the kids have uniforms and backpacks ... the school was in terrible shape and we worked hard at patching concrete floors, painting walls, hanging posters and for the first time ever, the school received curriculum while we were there. Most parents have sacrificed something big to afford the tuition to send their kids to school. Many of the parents that we met had given up electricity to pay tuition, they are the few that understand that education is the tipping point of poverty.
By all accounts and measures, the trip was a total success. Thank you for supporting us as we traveled to the other side of the world. Andrew and I definitely received more blessings and joy from the beautiful people of South Africa than we gave. It was truly an inspiring and sobering experience.
This trip was major news for the country of South Africa. Here are two of their local stories (links below)[those above- DS] ... my favorite is the mistake saying we each raised $35,000 US dollars to come ... to people with so little, $3,500 might as well have been a million dollars.
During the trip I was featured on the SABC nightly news ... think "World News Tonight". It is their national evening news. The whole week people recognized me from the broadcast. This was a major national event to the country.
Can't wait to share more with you!

Suicide... it is what we were talking about in my SPM colloquium today…

I remember when the word was used to describe the concoction produced when all of the soda fountain soft drinks were mixed together. That was a less complicated time of life--for sure.

We are rapidly approaching the seventh anniversary of my brother's death (July 19, 1999.) Austin died a couple weeks short of his 23rd birthday. The police investigation has never been closed--what was originally ruled as a suicide was later changed to "undetermined." The police could not figure out how he could shoot himself in the back of the head with a rifle—and now, seven years later, we still don’t know. He was living with his girlfriend at the time--and they were "breaking up."

The last time I saw Austin alive was a couple of days before his death. He called me to come pick him up (south of the river) and to take him home (to the arboretum area.) He was wearing a Crenshaw Athletic Club ringer-tee. I was jealous; I had worked there for years (got him his job) and I had never received a tee shirt. We had a good talk—nothing out of the ordinary. I pulled up in front of his apartment, he got out, I drove away. I often wonder if I was just clueless—or if there was really anything to be concerned about at that point.

Late on July 18, 1999 (or was it early on the 19th?) I received a call from Breckenridge hospital. I had been asleep for 20 minutes or so, and I was fairly discombobulated when I answered the phone (only after first trying to “turn off” my alarm clock.) The woman on the other end of the line was not very clear about who she wanted to talk to. She asked for my father first, and then mentioned my brother’s name… I was still clueless at this point. I thought she was calling to collect payment for something (Austin and I had both made emergency room visits that year—for minor injuries.) Still trying to wake up, I asked, “Why are you calling in the middle of the night?” She said, “Do you know a Daniel Schaefers?” (Austin’s first name is Daniel—but he went by his middle name.) I said, “That is my brother, but he doesn’t live with me.” She said, “There has been an accident, Daniel Schaefers has been in an accident and he is at Breckenridge hospital.” I said, “What kind of accident?” She said, “He has been shot, and it is bad.” I said, “I am on my way.”

I hung up the phone. I picked up the phone and called Leigh. I was almost unable to speak. I told her that I had just answered a phone call from the hospital and that my brother had been shot. She said she would be right over. In the time it took Leigh to get to my apartment, 12 blocks away—I was able to throw on some clothes and go over what the woman on the phone had said. Breckenridge. Accident. Daniel Schaefers. Shot. (I thought, surely not shot… she meant to say that he was in a car accident or something.)

Leigh pulled up to my apartment, I got in the car. I was shaking. I told her that I didn’t remember the whole conversation—because I had answered the phone only half awake, but I remembered “Breckenridge, shot, accident, Daniel Schaefers.” Why would they take him to Breckenridge? Oh yeah… it’s the trauma hospital. Where was he shot? I didn’t know.

We pulled up to the emergency room. Leigh dropped me off and she went to park the car. I walked in to the front desk. I told them who I was and why I was there. They had me wait for a couple of minutes. Leigh came in. Then a hospital employee (social worker) came and found us. We were invited into a small waiting room. A surgeon came in about a minute later.

First, there were some introductions—and verification that I was Daniel Austin Schaefers family. Then the surgeon proceeded to tell us of Austin’s injury. He had been shot in the back of the head with a small caliber rifle—it appeared to be self inflicted. There was too much damage for the body to be repaired. I think I am going to throw up…. a feeling that doesn’t leave for days—maybe months. I ask, is there any chance for recovery—even in a brain damaged state? The surgeon (Austin’s surgeon) said, “his body is being kept alive by machines—but all indications tell us that he is brain-dead.” I begin to cry. Leigh begins to cry. The social worker begins to cry.

I say, “I need to call my parents—they haven’t been contacted, have they?” “No, we didn’t have contact information for them.” She hands me a phone. I dial my mother’s number—busy. Damn! She is up talking to her pseudo-boyfriend. I call my sister’s line. Rachel answers. “Rachel, this is an emergency—Austin has been in an accident—go get Mom.” “What happened?” (Slowly)“Go get Mom.” “Okay.” I hear her put down the phone and run to my mother’s room. I hear the two of them run back.

The hardest words I have ever said: “Mom, Austin has been in an accident—and we are at the hospital—and he isn’t going to live.” (I can hear her begin to cry.) She says, “What?” The second hardest words: “He has been shot in the head and he is brain-dead.”

Tyler is 4 hours away from Austin. My mom usually takes half a day to get here… but not that night. She and Rachel were out the door minutes after I hung up the phone.

I tried to call my dad. His cell phone was off—and I didn’t have his home phone number on me (and it was unlisted.) I ended up leaving about 30 messages on his cell.

I called my friend John… I called my friend Joey… I waited.

(More to come)

Saturday night, Leigh and I went to a "Leader Reunion" at The University of Texas. (I was not the student leader in college. You will notice that my nametag is relatively blank...just my name. Leigh's nametag had 8 stickers on it denoting the different organizations she was a part of.) I spoke with Carol Donovan who is putting together the "Third International Women's Peace Conference" in Dallas, July 10-15, 2007. Why is the conference a "women's" event?
-- It turns out that if you just have a "peace conference" and invite everyone-- some middle eastern countries will only send men. But, if you call it a "women's" conference-- those same countries will send male and female delegates to make a good showing for the country.

In a cut and paste world... do we forget the things that we hold most dear, in an attempt to rush to press. I had mentioned that I was not going to include any "filler crap" just a couple of days ago... and look what I have gone and done.

Here are my questions of the John 11 text... my advanced exegesis:

What are the relationships between Mary, Martha, and Lazarus? Do names mean anything particular to this passage? Jesus is called both “Rabbi” and “Lord” in this section. Is John trying to show two different understandings of the role of Jesus? Why is Thomas named but the other disciples are not? What does Jesus mean by the following sentences?

“Aren’t there twelve hours in a day? If anyone walks around in the day, that one doesn’t trip, because he sees the light of the world.” “But if anyone walks around in the night, he trips because the light is not in him.”

Do these allude to something else? What was the Hellenistic view of hours, night, and day? What is relationship between sleep and death? Does Thomas suggest that they go to die with Jesus or with Lazarus? What does it mean to be a friend to Jesus and the disciples? Is this the first time in John that Mary is mentioned? How does Jesus know that Lazarus is dead? What is significant about Bethany? Are there different types of love being mentioned—and what do these mean (filei/j and hvga,pa)? What do glory (do,xhj) and glorification (doxasqh/) look like? How else is death talked about in John?

Interesting Facts
There are seven “signs” in the gospel of John—and each has a corresponding “I am” statement. I would like to look further into that relationship and do some research into the “Signs Gospel.” Moses used “signs” to mold the faith of the people. Is Jesus using them in the same manner? Lazarus comes from the Hebrew “Elazar) and means “God has helped.” How is Lazarus connected to death? There is a possibility that the Lazarus story shares some aspects with the story of Osiris being raised from the dead. There are also several tails depicting the later life of Lazarus—fleeing for his life and becoming a bishop in the church.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Earth Day.

Some will say that we do not do enough to protect the environment; others will say that we are on the right track to achieving balence between consumption and conservation. I say-- regardless of your politics, today is a day to celebrate our stewardship and to get our hands dirty. If you want to change the world, begin in your own back yard. That is what The Pink Princess and I will be doing today. Hope to see you there.

Ps. Thanks to all of the "mud dogs" who participated in the clean up today. Especially to Keith, Laura, Tony, Josh, and Aaron. You are the salt of the earth.

“This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun, and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence towards the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men; go freely with the powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and mothers, of families: read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life: re-examine all you have been told at school or church, or in any books, and dismiss whatever insults your soul.” -Walt Whitman

Friday, April 21, 2006


I finally feel like this Blog thing is do-able. Thanks to all who make it look so easy; I don't think that I would have even known what a blog was if it were not for some of my classmates. Really, you are first class--all the way.

Anyway, I thought I might share a dream I had...

Jesus walks up to me when (I'm dreaming) I am awake and says "Would you like to hear a joke?" I say "sure", expecting it to be a good one.

He says "Wake up."

I say, "I don't get it."

He says, "You will later."

Here is a picture that contains my Greatgrandfather (third from the left) and Greatgrandmother. Exton Smith was blind. Even so, he selected the spot for the family farm, relying on the wind and the lay of the land he could feel under-foot.

I saw God. Only it wasn’t seeing. And it wasn’t God. Theophany—face to face. God doesn’t have a face though, but neither does God have a name—even if I call and an answer returns to me. I’m in the middle of reading the scripture of the golden eternity, only I am not reading, but writing…

In my own little heaven, I play for a second that I am God (except that I itch and my stomach makes the occasional noise) but that is beside the point, I am the scripture of the Golden Eternity. I have all the world at my command. I miss my other half.

Waiting, election time and Ramen, a pauper’s dinner—waiting for a feast that tomorrow I will eat with friends. Food is expensive. I am on the campus of a seminary, on a mission in Malawi, in the barrio in little Mexico, outside of the castle, inside the keep. My skin is not white—I am a native American> with ethnic indigenous people color, a Pinetree, a President, a prisoner.

I have little experiments lurking in the other room: infinity, paradox, DOG in a backward universe, MU, Bookshelf board games, a man defined in the book being held by a man being held by a dream. I lied, that paper wasn’t done. But it exists in my head—just need to stay awake/engaged. How big is the universe! That man on the TV is me, and the woman next to him as well? It is only an idea, empty and absorbing.

Remember me little brother, I am carrying your casket. My face, so like yours, reminds me of the love of God—mirrored in all. I pray for the Devil, that he will change his address—that horns in heaven can be forgiven, like halos in hell.

That face again, the sun shining brightly. I swirl and swim around its outer bank, dipping my fingers into the font. Yoga-cycling, like a stationary bike that sits still until it becomes the reality of its name. I itch again, the bike and I are one—one of us wants to go outside for a smoke. The true name of the nameless one is is.

A window into heaven also looks into hell, because this is all there is—the burning inferno and the blinding light…how does one’s body feel decomposing? Like rot or like roll. And I say unto you, you are healed by the name of the being, the becoming, and the is. World without end, Amen, amen.

This is one of our (Mine and Leigh's) favorite pieces of art on the seminary campus. It was done by C.D.Weaver (the artist in residence) and blends the two themes of the Jewish menorah and the Christian ichthus...In doing so, it is a history lesson, all on its own. I think it is beautiful.
This is a book that I worked on last semester. It seems that we could all use a little more grace.
Well, I think I am gettin the hang of it.... It really helped to change the "format" to one that seemed a little easier. Now All I have to do is think of something to write!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The princess and I are going to figure this thing crap! filler stuff. Only writing from the heart and head. Reminds me of Jack K. Does anybody read poetry anymore? What is the cutting edge art form? I think it may be "kitchen remodeling."
Have you ever tried to erase a Blog? I have. Refreshing really.